terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2012

Latest news!!

Guys, I am alone because D. just left a few minutes ago and went to work! =D Just for a few hours, of course, but is better than do nothing and have a few more pounds in his wallet are welcome!

About me, I got home half an hour ago. I went to school, I learned a little more, laughed even more and I felt good about it. And I think I might have made a friend. They are all great people, but she is different. Her name is ... (ok, I have to tell the name, but only for this time) ... Carolina. She is a Spanish girl who doesn't the Spanish people are the best, which suits me fine! ;) She lived for 5 years in Brazil and she speaks Portuguese very well. But relax, we always try to speak English. =)

Another new! I just received a message warning me that I have a job interview at 4 pm, so cross your fingers, guys! =P

More news when I return home.

Buy! Kisses and "see you later"!

1 comentário:

  1. Ana Margarida Guerreiro1 de fevereiro de 2012 às 07:41

    Que booom!!! É sempre mais qualquer coisinha para fazer e um dinheirinho a entrar...

    Sabia que mais tarde ou mais cedo, começarias a sentir-te bem por aí, que apareciam pessoas que te fizessem sorrir ;)

    Já soube do resultado da entrevista pelo face. Ultimamente, tenho andado atrasada para saber as novidades, vou tentar mudar os hábitos. ihihihi brincadeira.

