sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012

English Diary

My teacher, J.D., suggested me to start writing a diary in English. After a few minutes thinking about buying a notebook, I remembered: "I have a blog!", and then I decided start writing some posts in English, here, on my blog.

I know that some of you won't like the idea, but I think it will be good not only for be but for you as well. You will be required to search a bit to understand what I am saying and you will be involuntarily studying and learning English.

Today I took my first test on school. I don't know why, but I was the one with best score (63/80)! I was really surprised when J.D. told me I was the champion of the day! =) I believe he was taken by surprise as well, because I am in his class just for a week ago and the other guys are attending to his classes for the last 4 weeks. Anyway, it was good for me to have such a good result in my first test.

This afternoon we are going to visit a place we love here: Camden Town. We will eat Thai food and we will walk through those stalls selling great things and so different from is normally seen in Portugal. So today we are going to live the real experience of Living in London! =)

Camden Town Market

By the way, is not confirmed yet, but possibly D. will start working next week. Cross you finger people, we need you wishing with us!

Have a nice day and "see you soon"!

2 comentários:

  1. Erika, I think the idea of your theacher was excellet!!! Like you said, it´s very good for you and for us who have followed you throught your blog. In my case inspired me to write you in English as well :)
    Have fun and "see you soon".
    kiss :)))

  2. Ana Margarida Guerreiro31 de janeiro de 2012 às 02:56

    AHahah Okkkk... eu leio à meeeesmaaaa :P depois ajusto "contas" com a professora :P

    Parabéns Kika!!! Aos poucos, vais fazendo história por terras "desconhecidas". São vitórias e fraquezas (que tbm fazem parte) que nos vão dando alento para continuar! ;)

    Bem, quanto à ida a Camden Town é que não te perdoou! I'm SOrry!

    Beijinhooo enorme!!
